Terms Of Use

These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your access to and use of KayakAddicts.com (“the Website”). By accessing or using the Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms.


  • “Affiliate Marketing” refers to the promotion of products from affiliated partners by KayakAddicts.com, resulting in commissions on purchases made through linked content.
  • “Third-Party” denotes any entity not directly affiliated with KayakAddicts.com.
  • “User-Generated Content” includes comments, reviews, feedback, and other submissions by users.

Website Content & Nature

KayakAddicts.com offers reviews of kayaks, kayaking gear, comprehensive articles, and tips for informed purchasing decisions.

User Responsibilities

Users must use the website lawfully and are expected to read and adhere to these Terms, reviewing them regularly for any changes. Non-compliance may lead to restricted access or termination rights.

Affiliate Marketing & Disclosure

Some links on Kayakchronicle.com are affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission if a purchase is made. Despite affiliations, our reviews remain unbiased, and product recommendations are based on honest opinions.

Product Review Disclaimer

Reviews reflect the opinions of our reviewers and may not represent universal consumer experiences. Kayakchronicle.com doesn’t guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any review.

Third-party Content & Transactions

Users can post content but must ensure its legality and accuracy. By posting, users grant us a license to use and display the content. We reserve the right to edit or remove content violating these Terms. If you engage in transactions with third-party vendors through links on our site, we’re not responsible for such transactions or any disputes arising from them.

Product Availability

While we link to products, we do not guarantee their availability on third-party sites. Any transactions made with third-party vendors based on our reviews or links are solely between the user and the third party.

Intellectual Property Rights

All content, unless otherwise stated, is protected under copyright laws. Unauthorized replication may lead to legal actions.

Disclaimers & Limitations

All content is for informational purposes only. Kayakchronicle.com disclaims all warranties and isn’t liable for any losses arising from content usage. Your reliance on our content is solely at your risk.

Data Collection & Privacy

We utilize Google Analytics and collect names and email addresses of users who opt into our newsletter. This data enhances user experience and supports our newsletter distribution. User data is confidential and never shared with external parties unless required by law. For a detailed Privacy Policy, including cookie usage, Click Here.

Updates & Errors

While we aim for accuracy, the content may contain errors or may need updates, which will be carried out at our discretion.

Feedback & Suggestions

Any feedback or suggestions provided by users can be used, reproduced, and acted upon by Kayakchronicle.com without obligations to the user.

Termination & Suspension

KayakAddicts.com may suspend or terminate user access due to Terms violations, harmful actions towards the site or its users, or any other reason at our discretion.

Governing Law & Dispute Resolution

These Terms are governed by UK laws. All disputes shall first attempt resolution through mediation. If unresolved, disputes can proceed to arbitration under UK regulations.

Updates to Terms

We may periodically update these Terms. Continuation of Website usage post-updates indicates your agreement to the new terms.

Contact & Reporting Violations

For inquiries, concerns, or to report Terms violations, please visit our Contact Page.